Where does my money go?
Giving to the church is a meaningful way to support the mission and vision of the church, as well as the wider community. By contributing to the church, we are able to support our mission partners, who are working to make a positive impact in the world. Additionally, we are able to maintain the upkeep of our amazing church and ensure that it remains a welcoming and inspiring space for all who enter. Giving to the church also allows us to employ our ministry staff, who play an important role in guiding and nurturing the spiritual growth of our congregation. By supporting the national church, we are able to make a difference on a larger scale, and contribute to the wider Christian community. Our contributions also go towards training future church leaders, who will carry on the work of the church for generations to come. And most importantly, by giving to the church, we are able to bring Jesus' hope to our area, and share the love and compassion that he embodied.
How Can I Give?
The Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is our preferred method for regular and one-off giving. It is an established service for managing One-Off and Direct Debit giving, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. It reduces the burden of work on church volunteers and provides a simple and secure service to givers. Money given through this method comes directly to St Andrew's and there are no fees or additional costs added on.
Click Here to give via The Parish Giving Scheme or using the QR code below.
Feel free to contact the Treasurer on treasurer@stastb.church for more information.
The Parish Giving Scheme QR Code
Scan the QR code to make a one-off payment or set up regular giving to us through The Parish Giving Scheme.
Standing Order or Bank Transfer
If you would like to set up a regular gift or one off bank transfer please use the information below.
Bank: Nat West
Account Name: PCC St Andrew’s Churchdown
Account Number: 69017859
Sort Code: 60 09 02
Reference: (Surname)
Please email treasurer@stastb.church to make them aware of any transfer made.
What Is Gift Aid?
If you are a UK tax payer (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax through the government's gift aid scheme, you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid declaration (you can do this via the Commitment Form). The benefit to St Andrew’s & St Bartholomew’s is that we can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given, at no extra cost to you.
If you are a UK higher rate (40 per cent) or additional rate (45 per cent) income tax payer and you give to St Andrew’s & St Bartholomew’s directly you can also choose to allow us to reclaim the basic rate tax through Gift Aid. Then you are also able to recover, through your tax return, the difference between the basic rate tax that St Andrew’s & St Bartholomew’s recovers and the higher or additional rate that you have paid.
If you give via Payroll Giving then, because you are giving 'pre-tax', you are able to pass on the full benefit of your tax to St Andrew’s + St Bartholomew’s immediately.
It was said in the early church that ‘… they shared everything they had … And much grace was upon them all.’ Acts 4:32-33.
Giving and Grace go together. As God gives to us in grace, so we give to others and to his work. It is a natural response to his love for us. In the last few years God has been very generous to us as a church. Not just thinking of the Centre, which is a huge gift, but the growth in numbers and spiritual understanding.
Despite the financial climate, we must now set our minds on giving to God’s work. It is good to annually review our financial commitment to ensure the work goes on. The New Testament gives a clear direction as to how much we should give.
We should give:
Cheerfully, not from cold duty but with joy.
Regularly, not haphazardly but planned.
Proportionately, according to our income.
Responsibly, bearing in mind how much it costs to continue the ministry of the church.
‘For God loves a cheerful giver.’ 2 Corinthians 9:7
‘God gives generously to all without finding fault.’ James 1:5
‘They (gifts) are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.’ Philippians 4:18
There are different ways to give to the church, through:
the Parish Giving scheme
Stewardship Online
one-off gifts
bequests in one’s will
the collection box at services
Under the Gift Aid scheme, the PCC can reclaim basic rate tax on all donations you make through the Parish Church. If you are new to the scheme you will be required to complete a very simple declaration, and we will provide the necessary form.
Please consider carefully your financial response for God’s work in the parish. Fill in a form at the Church and return to the Church Office. All responses are strictly confidential.
Get in touch
If you have any questions on how to give or where your money is going, including discussing the options for giving a legacy. Please get in touch with our treasurer on treasurer@stastb.church