Pastoral Care at St ANdrew’s and St Bartholomew’s
At some time in life, most of us travel through difficulties which challenge our faith and resilience. It may be grief, depression, relationship issues, loss or loneliness. People sometimes travel this path alone, not having anyone they feel they can turn to. Pastoral care can take different guises in the church. As part of our Christian community, we give each other mutual support. Often this happens informally with friends in the church or through the connect groups. However, sometimes people need more personalised support either as a one-off chat or something more. What does this look like? Our pastoral care will often be spiritual support or practical help. This might happen in people's homes or in the church. Each Sunday morning we offer personal prayer at the end of the service. Our pastoral care team is made up of people who are committed Christians who are willing to listen and pray. They may also suggest other avenues of support for you to follow through. We have a pastoral care team who are ready to provide this type of care. You can get in touch via
· Nigel Roe - Adults (Team Leader) at 07780 994827
· Rosi White - Children and Families at 07426357967
Bereavement Cafe
The Bereavement Café provides an opportunity for those who have been bereaved, recently or in the past, to meet socially with others who have also been affected by the loss of a loved one.A small group of helpers, who have all experienced bereavement, are always present to provide a warm welcome and to chat with you if you wish. We do not provide counselling but a friendly listening ear and space to remember those who have died (although we can provide information regarding professional counselling). The Bereavement Café occurs every second Tuesday of the month in the Lounge, at the Church Centre, from 1.30pm to 3pm. There is no charge so feel free to come along, on your own or with a friend or family member if you prefer, to meet others and to enjoy a cuppa and a cake. We will look forward to meeting you.
Home Communion
Are you, or is someone you know, a member of St Andrew’s or St Bartholomew’s congregation but, owing to illness or infirmity, no longer able to attend church services to receive Holy Communion? If so, it’s now possible for you to receive Holy Communion at home, given by specially trained church members or licensed Clergy. For more information please get in touch with the pastoral team.
Pastoral Prayer Requests
There are a few people who are committed to regularly pray for ‘emergency’ situations arising within our church. Any requests should be sent to Julie Ingram via the email Julie will then relay this information completely confidentially to those who are committed to pray.