At St Andrew’s and St Bartholomew’s, we are involved in mission and ministry (both locally and internationally) as a church and through our partners. Our mission work aims to bring the message of the gospel to a world in need of the love and truth of Jesus. Our ministry work focuses on demonstrating Christ’s love to those in need through service, care, support, and transformation.
The mission committee coordinates our mission and ministry partnership links with individuals and organisations – supporting them through prayer and financial, administrative and pastoral support.
The mission team also raises the profile of mission and ministry within the congregation and organises the annual Mission Weekend, where our link-partners are represented to highlight their work locally and internationally.
The church is inspired through regular communication, visiting speakers and events to see how we are a part of an even greater work that God is doing across the world.
Mission Partners
Listening Post is a charity established over 20 years ago by local Christians and supported by churches across Gloucestershire to provide an affordable professional counselling service and training programme for those in need. There are centres in Gloucester, Cheltenham and Stroud.
Paul Hobbs is a Gloucester based artist. He makes paintings and sculptures that consider contemporary social issues in the light of biblical values. He also makes abstract paintings, which are celebratory and worshipful. His work is shown in schools, churches and galleries throughout the UK and occasionally abroad. His aim is to challenge, provoke and inspire his audiences.
Daniel Lemadada is a church planter and pastor of the Africa Inland Church in a remote region of Northern Kenya. Together with his wife Susan, he pastors the AIC Nkororoi and the Oltorot congregations. These small congregations are from the unreached Samburu and Rendille people groups, and Daniel himself is a native speaker of both languages. He also has a ministry of training and teaching other pastors and church leaders working in these remote areas.
Teens in Crisis is a Christian charity providing advice, support and counselling services for young people and their families. There are over 30 full-time staff and volunteers, working in association with three statutory organisations, a homelessness mediation service, and providing counselling in secondary schools.
Working with European Christian Ministries and Vineyard to church plant in Barcelona, Spain. Providing care to other ECM missionaries.
GTS is ‘the theology school that comes to you.’ Its vision to bring deeper biblical and theological engagement to the churches of Gloucestershire arises from the core belief that ‘theology is for everyone’, and that doing theology is a task for all God’s people. We believe small group teaching and learning is most effective when it’s done in a local context and familiar environment.
Roland and Elizabeth Shuli are part of the Albanian Evangelical Mission (AEM) and work with Military Ministries International where Elizabeth is a trustee. The Shulis are now living in London.
Christian Action is has over 30 years’ experience in serving disadvantaged and marginalised communities across Hong Kong and China. In 1997 they extended its work to Qinghai, a remote province in northwestern China and today run five children’s homes for orphans, provide resources for foster families, and rehabilitation services. Christian Action is an official local government partner in developing welfare services and training for the province, including care for 36,000 at-risk children.
Tearfund is a UK Christian relief and development agency which works in over 50 countries. It is a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee and supports marginalised communities and groups challenged by conflicts, injustice, hunger, and poor sanitation. Major projects currently include relief programmes in Syria, the Philippines, and the Central African Republic.
Gloucester City Mission is based at the George Whitefield Centre and works with the homeless and other marginalised groups within the city of Gloucester and the local area. Our hard-working volunteers come from a range of different Christian backgrounds, and together we aim to take Jesus to the streets as we provide hot food, drinks and friendship to our street friends.
Associated Ministries
Gloucester City Mission is based at the George Whitefield Centre and works with the homeless and other marginalised groups within the city of Gloucester and the local area. Our hard-working volunteers come from a range of different Christian backgrounds, and together we aim to take Jesus to the streets as we provide hot food, drinks and friendship to our street friends.
Open Doors works in over 50 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer for their faith. In the UK and Ireland Open Doors works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.
The Seurr Sang’ida Trust was formed to support the Entasopia village community in the South Rift Valley of Kenya. It focusses on strategies for improving the quality of life for those with disabilities and their families. Particular services provided by the trust include supporting a special needs unit in a primary school, a feeding programme, funding treatment, surgery and hearing aids for children.
YFC Gloucestershire supports young people of any or no faith across the county. Each month the organisation reaches approximately 1,000 girls and boys people across schools, youth clubs and churches. The experienced team members provide mentoring, support, drop in clubs, assemblies and extra-curricular activities. Through these opportunities they often consider positive life choices and the Christian faith.
Eco-Church is A’ Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. Eco-Church assists churches to become more aware and empowered to fulfill the biblical commission to care for creation; to ‘rule over the earth’ with love and care – as God’s image-bearers and vice-regents.
Teams from the local churches have been going into Churchdown primary schools since 2002, presenting bible stories during collective worship. Get in touch if you would like to explore volunteering with one of the teams. (For reference, Open the Book is now part of the Bible Society. )
The Producers are a group for men who all suffer with long term chronic pain. It began as a project to see how Art would benefit referred patients’ quality of life and well being. The workshop runs for 3 hours weekly. Creations in wood, metal and flour are meticulously crafted. The outcome has been astonishing and hope has been found where there was no hope before.
Angel Tree is a Prison Fellowship programme providing those in prison with an opportunity to send a Christmas gift to their child(ren). St Andrew’s has a link with the chaplaincy team at Eastwood Park.
CMA is an international mission to motorcyclists and bikers found in many countries around the world including USA, South Africa, throughout Europe, Australia & New Zealand. The Gloucester Branch (covering all Gloucestershire and the borders of Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Oxfordshire and South Wales) is run by Alan & Liz Robertson, who have been CMA members since 1991 and are St Andrew’s members.
Out of the Ashes is a ministry of music and testimony that takes a joyful message to churches, bars, homes and anywhere else people meet to hear Christian music, and bring encouragement and hope for a bright and valuable future under God’s plan. Begun by Penny Lyon and Kevin Washburn, Out of the Ashes has grown to include many talented musicians, and involves travel all around the country and into Europe.
GARAS is Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. They support refugees and those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire - through welcome when they arrive, advocating for them in their daily struggles, supporting them in various ways (trauma counselling, immigration advice, education, material needs), and helping them to adjust to a long term future in England.
Since 1990, Operation Christmas Child – an initiative of the Christian relief & development agency Samaritan’s Purse – has been helping underprivileged children around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes wrapped and packed by children and adults in the UK. It’s a campaign that thousands of schools, churches and other organisations from across the country get involved with between September and November each year.