New GTS Course at St Andrew's

New GTS Course at St Andrew’s


Good Call: Ethics for Churches in the 21st Century


Gateway Theology School announces a new 5-week course at St Andrew’s

Tuesdays from 25th January, 7.30-9.15pm - in the main church


The course will feature Rev Stephen Goundrey-Smith as the main facilitator, together with Daniel Button.  Stephen is both a church leader (Chedworth) and a pharmacist with a PhD in medical Ethics.  The course helps us work out how we, as Christians, can make good and wise decisions regarding some of the most difficult, challenging issues in our society today.  Topics include ‘caring for the environment’, 'medical dilemmas’, ’sex and marriage’ and an opportunity to explore issues of particular interest to you.


This course will be an excellent fit alongside our new sermon series on Christian discipleship.


Cost will be on donation basis.

To register or for further information contact Dan Button or: or see the website:

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