Connect Group Update
Connect Groups - we are delighted to announce that two more groups, led by the Wrights and the Witchards, will be starting soon in addition to the Thursday morning ladies group which launched this week. We strongly recommend that everyone in our church joins a small group to be encouraged in their faith, and to give and receive pastoral and prayer support. If you are at all interested in joining a new group, please come and chat with the new leaders on Sunday 26th November when they will be available at 10am-10.30am, and from 12 noon in the Courtyard:
Sarah & Will Wright, Mondays 7.30-9pm, Churchdown
Jo & Ben Witchard, Wednesdays 8pm, Churchdown
Helen Neave & Penny Murphy, 10.30-12noon, alternate Thursdays in church, women only
Alternatively, please speak with one of the connect group pastors (Smiths, Champnesses, Marshalls) or talk to someone at the Welcome Desk and we will be delighted to help you find a group.