Important update about the news sheet
Weekly Bulletins: Starting Thursday 7th March we will be moving to weekly churchsuite bulletins, these will be similar to the current news sheet but with more links to events and sign ups etc. and will intergrate well with Churchsuite as we look to use more features. Submissions for this will work in the same way as the current news sheet.
Monthly Newsletter: Commencing March 7th, monthly newsletters will be sent every frist Thursday of the month covering the current month (7th March one will cover march and so on), Content for the March newsletter will be compiled throughout the month, with a deadline of the 25th of each month for submissions.
The vision behind this is to increase the publication of big events and provide more and clearer infomation to you. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Keep an eye out in your inboxes for these new forms of communication!