Weekly Bulletin
Welcome to our weekly church bulletin, here's what is coming up in the life of St Andrew's and St Bartholomew's!
This Sunday - Healthy Habits - Worship
9am Communion service at St A's
10.30am All-Age Service at St A's
6pm Encounter Service at St A's
To find out what's happening during the week click here to view our full church calendar.
News and Notices
Bereavement Cafe
The Bereavement Café will take place again on Tuesday 9th April, 1.30-3pm in the Lounge. Open to all who have been bereaved recently or in the past. Come on your own or with a friend to meet others also affected by loss, to share experiences, for space to remember those who have died, and to enjoy a cuppa and cake.
Kids Prayer Breakfast
Our next Children's Prayer Breakfast is on Saturday 13th April from 8:30am-10:30am. This is a great way for children aged 4-11 to spend time with God through our fun, interactive prayer stations. Please make sure to sign your child / children up to help us cater for the right amount. You can sign up here.
Abaana New Life Choir
Date for your diaries - Saturday 4th May 2024 at 7pm, the Abaana New Life Choir will be coming to perform for us at St. Andrew's. The concert is a free event. During the evening there will be opportunities to support the work of Abaana through a free will offering, buying from their craft stall or sponsoring a child. Please check out https://www.abaana.org/ for more information.
New Wine Tickets - 90% Sold
Tickets are selling fast so don't miss out on booking your place - We would love for you to join us! Click here to sign up.
Marriage Course
John & Alice will be running an online marriage course starting on 11th April. Whether you've been married for six months or 40 years, whether you're in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers practical support over seven sessions to strengthen your relationship. To sign up or for more information, click here.
Craft Connect group
Thank you to everyone who supported the Samaritans Purse Christian charity by buying our handmade Easter Egg hangings. They all sold and we raised £165! We are so blessed and grateful for that. All monies will be passed to Gloucestershire SP rep Sheila Whittaker and will be used to help facilitate their amazing work for the Lord.
Di and Alice
We'd like to extend our sincere thanks to Alice and Di for their dedicated work managing the day-to-day finances of the church over the years. Their contributions have been greatly appreciated, and we'll miss their presence. We're grateful for the knowledge and processes they've shared with Alison, who will now take on the role of Finance Officer. We wish Alice and Di all the best in their future endeavors and hold them in our prayers.
If you would like to include any updates in the weekly bulletin, send them to Adam. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 1pm.
Electoral Roll
We need to review the Church Electoral Roll before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. A copy of the roll as it currently stands is in the church foyer. If you are not currently on the roll and are baptised, over 16 and either resident in the parish or regularly attend worship at either of our churches, please complete an application form.
If you are already on the roll please check your details are correct and submit a new form if anything needs to be corrected. Also please submit one if you have recently moved house.
Completed forms should be put in the post box outside the Church Office side door or the external post box to the right of the entrance to the Church Centre
The deadline for receiving completed forms is 26th April 2024 but earlier would be helpful. The application form can be found below.
Upcoming Events
Our website is a great place to find out what events we have coming up this year, click here to find out more.
11th April – Marriage Course Starts
13th April - Kids Prayer Breakfast
29th April - Youth Fundraiser Dinner
4th May - Abaana New Life Choir
12th May - APCM/AGM
You can also sign up for events by clicking here.
Pastoral Care
As part of our Christian community, we provide mutual support for one another. Much of this happens informally with friends within the church and through the connect groups. However, sometimes people will require more personal support and encouragement either as a 'one-off chat' or on a more ongoing basis. We have a pastoral care team who can provide this type of care. Please contact Nigel Roe (Team Leader) on 07780 994827 or Rosi White on 07426 357967.
Weekly Prayer Zoom Details
Every Thursday
7.30pm Zoom Prayer
Meeting ID:726 2837 5971 Passcode: STAPRAYER
Eco Tip
WATER: Before the summer arrives, can you put water butts in your garden to save it for when you need it? Even one bucket of collected rainwater saves a bucket from the tap!
Monthly Newsletter
If you want to subscribe to our monthly newsletter click here.
Follow us!
If you wish to join our private Facebook please click here.
Contact us
St Andrew's Church Centre, Station Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JT
01452 712154
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Closed Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Click here to get in touch with someone in the team.