An update about the churchyard at St Bartholomew's

We would like to apologise for the difficulties over the grass cutting this summer which have now largely been resolved.

A working group has been set up to try to find the best way forward to care for this important ecological resource, to meet the needs of the many people who enjoy the churchyard, for worship, recreation, quiet contemplation, to admire the wonderful views and to remember their relatives and friends, whilst at the same time managing the maintenance costs. In times past the churchyard was maintained by volunteers but this hasn’t been possible for a good number of years so we now pay a contractor to do this. This money has to be found from voluntary donations which are sadly reducing at a time when all costs are rising.

The churchyard is very rich in wild flowers including at least three species of orchid which we have a responsibility to protect and encourage whilst continuing to keep the grounds as an attractive place to visit. We are currently developing a maintenance regime that achieves both these aims but the ongoing funding of professional work will continue to be challenging. If you would like to help with the financial upkeep of the churchyard please visit the church centre at St Andrew’s on Station Road.

We are committed to maintaining the precious grounds at St Bartholomew’s and are grateful to all those who financially support its upkeep.

Adam Greenland