Weekly Bulletin - 17th Feb

This Sunday - Blessings and woes

9am Communion service at St A's

10.30am Informal Worship with Children's and Youth Groups at St A's 

3:30pm Holy Communion at St B's

To find out what's happening during the week click here to view our full church calendar.

News and Notices

Sunday Car Parking Arrangements
Starting this Sunday we no longer have use of the junior school car park. Alternative parking is available at Chapel Hay car park, GL3 2ET. 

Church Solar Panels
We are delighted to announce that Tewkesbury Borough Council have provided a grant to fund 85% of the cost of installing solar panels onto the church centre roof. As well as reducing our carbon footprint the panels are projected to cut our annual electricity bill by half. There will be some disruption during the installation process which is scheduled to be conducted on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th February. Scaffolding to the side of the main hall will be erected before work commences and dismantled once the installation is completed. We are building a project team to drive church initiatives to deliver net zero in 2030. If you have skills to share and are motivated to join the team please contact Matt in the office.

Grandparents and faith
Grandparents are more important in the lives of our grandchildren than ever before. That makes us some of the world's greatest influencers. Ian and Rosi White will be leading four sessions to explore faith and grandparenting. If you have grandchildren you're uniquely positioned to bring love, joy and faith to your wider family.

"Grandparents and faith" will happen at 7.30pm on Tuesdays March 11th, 18th, 25th and April 1st. You can book in on Churchsuite here or contact Ian White (07780 665868).

Men's Curry Night - 6th March

Men at St Andrew's and St Bartholomew's are invited to join us for a curry at the Nepalese Chef in Cheltenham (30 Clarence Street, GL50 3NX) at 7.30 pm. It'll be a great opportunity to meet people, and to bring friends along. Please sign up here if you're coming so we can ensure there are enough seats for everyone, and to see what lifts we can share.


Men's breakfast

The next Men's breakfast is on Saturday the 22nd March at our usual time of 0830 for 0845. We will be welcoming Will Bell from Christian Vision for Men who will be telling us about his own story and what his organisation does, along with the ever-popular full English breakfast. Sign up here. Other Dates for your diary, Men's walk 10th May 2025, Family Canoeing 21st June 2025.

Space to Live In
Our next "Space To Live In" will take place on Sunday 16th March 7-9pm. Space to Live In—a time of extended worship, prayer, and reflection. This is an opportunity to step away from the busyness of life and spend unhurried time in God's presence. Whether you want to worship, be still, or simply listen, this space is open for you.

Impact Weekend 2025
We're delighted to announce that our church "impact" weekend will be returning for 2025! Please save the date 10th - 12th October. Note that this is later in the year than it has been for the previous years.

The Passion Week of Jesus
Gateway Theology School (GTS) is offering a new course at St Andrew's during Lent:  'The Passion Week of Jesus'.  We believe Jesus' death and resurrection was the most significant event in all of human history – but what were the key events leading up to his death?  And how did everything Jesus said and did in that final week take on far greater significance in light of the cross?  Come and find out!  This will be an in-depth biblical study looking at all 4 Gospels, led by Daniel Button.
Tuesdays 7-9pm, for 6 weeks, from March 11.  To register, see Dan or info@gtstheology.org

If you would like to include any updates in the weekly bulletin, send them to Adam. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 1pm.

Giving at St Andrew's and St Bartholomew's
Generous giving is an integral part of Christian discipleship. The apostle Paul says that giving is a primary responsibility for Christians: 'But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 2 Cor 8:7. For more information on how to give and where your money goes please download our giving flyer here.
Please click here to make a one-off donation or set up a direct debit.

Church Electoral Roll Renewal
We are renewing our Electoral Roll, which means everyone must complete a new form to remain registered, even if you were on the previous roll.
Why Join?
Being on the roll allows you to:

  • Vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

  • Stand for election to the PCC or Deanery Synod

  • Help shape church governance at local and diocesan levels

Who Can Join?
You must be:

  • Aged 16 or over

  • Baptized

  • A member of the Church of England, either living in the parish or attending St A's or St B's for at least six months

How to Register
Forms are available via ChurchSuite here or from the Church Centre. Return completed forms to the Church Office or email admin@stastb.church, any form completed via Churchsuite will be automatically sent to us.

Pastoral Care
As part of our Christian community, we provide mutual support for one another. Much of this happens informally with friends within the church and through the connect groups. However, sometimes people will require more personal support and encouragement either as a 'one-off chat' or on a more ongoing basis. We have a pastoral care team who can provide this type of care. Please contact Nigel Roe (Team Leader) on 07780 994827 or Rosi White on 07426 357967.

Weekly Prayer Zoom Details
Every Thursday
7.30pm Zoom Prayer
Meeting ID:726 2837 5971 Passcode: STAPRAYER
Or click here

Green Tips
Not everyone can turn down their heating, but consider does every room needs to be heated, or could you turn down some radiators to reduce the energy use?

Monthly Newsletter
Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay connected and inspired! Get updates on events, reflections, and more. Quick and easy - click the link and enter your email. Join us on this journey! Click here to sign up.

Follow us!
If you wish to join our private Facebook please
click here.

Contact us

St Andrew's Church Centre, Station Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JT
01452 712154
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Closed Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Click here to get in touch with someone in the team.


Adam Greenland