Weekly Bulletin - 31st January

This Sunday - Jesus rejected at Nazareth

9am Communion service at St A's

10.30am All Age Service at St A's 

6pm Encounter Service at St A's

To find out what's happening during the week click here to view our full church calendar.

News and Notices

World Day of Prayer
This year's World Day of Prayer service has been thoughtfully prepared by the women of the Cook Islands, drawing inspiration from the powerful words of Psalm 139: "I made you wonderful." The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement that unites people in informed prayer and prayerful action.

We warmly invite you to join us for this special service, which will take place at Churchdown Methodist Church on Friday, March 7th, at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome!

Grandparents and faith
Grandparents are more important in the lives of our grandchildren than ever before. That makes us some of the world's greatest influencers. Ian and Rosi White will be leading four sessions to explore faith and grandparenting. If you have grandchildren you're uniquely positioned to bring love, joy and faith to your wider family.

"Grandparents and faith" will happen at 7.30pm on Tuesdays March 11th, 18th, 25th and April 1st.

You can book in on Churchsuite here or contact Ian White (07780 665868).

Margaret Pile 
Margaret Pile has passed away following a stroke last week. Please keep her family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Further details about a funeral service will be shared when available. Thank you to those who have offered to help on the day. If anybody else would like to join in please contact Matt in the office eg  handing out orders of service or helping lay tables.

Women's Ministry Update – Seeking a New Coordinator
We want to express our  thanks to Rebecca Maughan for her dedication and service as our Women's Ministry Coordinator. Rebecca has decided to step down from this role, and we are so grateful for all she has done to support and encourage the women of St Andrew's and surrounding areas.

As we look for a new coordinator, the Women's Ministry will be paused for the time being. If you are interested in stepping into this role or would like to find out more, please get in touch with the church office.

If you would like to include any updates in the weekly bulletin, send them to Adam. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 1pm.

Giving at St Andrew's and St Bartholomew's
Generous giving is an integral part of Christian discipleship. The apostle Paul says that giving is a primary responsibility for Christians: 'But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 2 Cor 8:7. For more information on how to give and where your money goes please download our giving flyer here.
Please click here to make a one-off donation or set up a direct debit.

Pastoral Care
As part of our Christian community, we provide mutual support for one another. Much of this happens informally with friends within the church and through the connect groups. However, sometimes people will require more personal support and encouragement either as a 'one-off chat' or on a more ongoing basis. We have a pastoral care team who can provide this type of care. Please contact Nigel Roe (Team Leader) on 07780 994827 or Rosi White on 07426 357967.

Weekly Prayer Zoom Details
Every Thursday
7.30pm Zoom Prayer
Meeting ID:726 2837 5971 Passcode: STAPRAYER
Or click here

Green Tips
Decluttering? Consider giving things away so they can be reused, or recycle. Always use landfill as a last resort.

Monthly Newsletter
Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay connected and inspired! Get updates on events, reflections, and more. Quick and easy - click the link and enter your email. Join us on this journey! Click here to sign up.

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Contact us

St Andrew's Church Centre, Station Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JT
01452 712154
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Closed Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Click here to get in touch with someone in the team.

Adam Greenland