We the grandparents...

  • are more important in the lives of our grandchildren than ever before. That makes us some of the world's greatest influencers.

  • We provide love, support, and wisdom which comes from voices of people who have lived it.

  • We help children develop a sense of identity, belonging, and family history. That kind of love and support can't be found elsewhere.

So, if you're a grandparent, you're uniquely positioned to bring love, joy and faith to your wider family.

A study by Oxford University showed that when grandparents are involved in their grand-children's lives those children had increased well-being and fewer emotional and behavioural problems.

Grandparents are natural transmitters of values such as perseverance, loyalty, hard work, patience, sacrifice, and so on.

So join us as we look at “Grandparents and faith” over four Tuesday evenings at St Andrew's church, Churchdown.

Each evening will be hosted by Ian and Rosi White and contain both teaching and discussion.

  • We'll look at principles from the Bible and from current research,

  • We'll hear inspiring stories and share our own highs and lows.

“Grandparenting and faith” will happen at 7.30pm  

  • Tuesday March 11th

  • Tuesday March 18th

  • Tuesday March 25th

  • Tuesday April 1st

This is not for perfect families, perfect grandparents or perfect grandchildren.

So even if your family tree looks more like a spider's web, we hope you'll discover how valuable you are within it.